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We Just Created A Powerful New Form Of Social Proof For Contractors

The mad geniuses in the MYM design department recently devised a brilliant new social proof website tool for our clients.

It combines elements of photos galleries, testimonials, and customer references into one persuasive, credibility-boosting tool. And you’re one of the first people to know about it.

We call it the Jobsite Map, and it’s a quick and easy way for your website visitors to see the location, photos, and job details of your most recent projects.

Using data from a client’s CRM program (MarketSharp, for example) we upload specific job locations to a Google map we embed directly on a client’s website.

Here’s what it looks like on a webpage:

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Our recently launched jobsite map application on a client’s website.

Click on one of the map markers, and you’re brought to a page that contains photos and info for the job at that location:

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Specific jobsite location page.


The Jobsite Map is still in its infancy, so we haven’t yet tapped its full potential. But here is how it can boost your credibility and conversions:

  1. Constant, Fresh Social Proof: Social proof elements (like testimonials and job photos) that are more than two years old don’t pack much persuasion power; prospects want to see what you’ve done recently. The Jobsite Map automatically populates the map on your website to provide prospects with info about the latest and greatest projects you’ve completed.
  2. Case Studies/Customer Reviews: Case studies and customer reviews are great tools to build prospects’ trust. Adding this kind of content to specific job location pages on the Jobsite Map is a brilliant way to build trust and credibility with website visitors ASAP.
  3. Convenience For Website Visitors: People are busy, so they don’t want to spend much time browsing your website to find out if you’re worth their money. Having job photos, locations, and project info on a single page eliminates prospects having to click on 10 different links to find the info they want. Those precious seconds saved could determine whether the prospect picks up the phone and calls you.
  4. Visualization Equals Conversions: It’s reassuring to prospects when they know you’ve completed projects in or near their neighborhood. If they see that you’re popular in their hometown, their subconscious automatically tells them, “Now this is a reliable, high-quality company!”

Once we integrate the Jobsite Map into more client websites and further explore its capabilities, I’ll update you with the results. I predict our clients utilizing the Jobsite Map will get an amazing response from website visitors. Stay tuned for the details.

Talk to you soon,








© 2016, Rich Harshaw. All rights reserved.

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