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Refer A Fantastic Business Owner Like Yourself & Get A Bonus

help your fellow contractors with a mediocre website
Why are so many contractor business websites mediocre or even downright embarrassing?

The problem is that many business owners see their website as the equivalent of a static brochure that just happens to be online.

If you’ve been through MYM’s process for creating a dynamic Identity-based website, you know there is no going back to the days of a website as an online brochure.

But you probably know a fellow contractor business owner with one of those boring online brochures.

Help them.

Refer them to MYM.

Do that, and I’ll help you, too.

I’ve purposely designed this referral program to be ridiculously easy for you to do. Here’s how it works:

Step 1: Refer MYM to a contracting business that needs a beautiful, EFFECTIVE, Identity-based website so they can start turning website traffic into leads.

Step 2: Once the referred business signs on with MYM, we are going to give you 3 months of our SEO Premium service for free. That’s a $3,750 value.

The other great thing about this? It takes literally 10 seconds to get started.  Email me and type “I have a referral for you. Please give me a call” and give us the best number to reach you.



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Don’t Try This At Home: Creating Your Identity

break the mold and create a powerful company identity
Do you ever wonder how the heck some people can be so non-self-aware?

For example, I have a friend who says he hates complainers.

Two minutes later, he’s complaining about work… how he’s always tired, how his boss is terrible, how he’s not appreciated, yadda yadda.

He’s totally unaware of what he’s doing. It’s incredible.

Incredible, but common.

Here’s why:

We humans sometimes have a hard time seeing ourselves—our weaknesses as well as our strengths.

This is why if you’re creating your own company Identity—the marketing message that demonstrates what makes you different, special, and better than the rest—you do so at your own peril.

Here’s what I mean…

I once had an Identity Kickoff call with a new roofing contractor client. He was particularly oblivious to his company’s strengths.

When I asked him what he thought made his company special, he responded, “Uh… well… gee… um… I don’t know… great customer service? Quality workmanship?”


He spewed these types of contractor clichés for the first 40 minutes of the call.

(I have a newfound respect for dentists because now I know what pulling teeth feels like.)

Finally, the client said in passing that he doesn’t charge his customers a dime until the job is done and the customer is satisfied.

I nearly fell out of my chair.

ME: “Whoa, back up. What did you just say?”

CLIENT: “Uh, we have great customer service?”

ME: “No, after that.”

CLIENT: “We have quality workmanship?”

ME: “No, after that.”

CLIENT: “We don’t accept money until after we complete the job and the customer is satisfied?”

Ding! Ding! Ding!
jackpot - finally realizing your company identity
How many quality roofers—or contractors, period—require zero upfront deposit, let alone refuse to accept any payment until the entire project is completed AND done to the customer’s satisfaction?

One out of every hundred… if that?

And here this client is, not even remotely thinking it’s a big deal.

Talk about being blind to the obvious.

If you’re a homeowner in need of a roof, the promise of not paying a dime until YOU say the project is done is just too good to pass up.

(And if you’re thinking this is an easy way for the client to get stiffed on payments, think again. This guy has run a successful business with “payment upon completion” since he started in 1990!)

Basing the client’s Identity around “You Don’t Pay Until You’re Satisfied” also dovetails beautifully into the other great things about this client. It shows the client is confident in his work, that you can trust him, and that he’ll ensure the job is done right from start to finish.

And there you go. This client’s Identity was right under his nose, and he never even whiffed it.

The Bottom Line: Unless you are a marketing expert, there’s a 90% chance you’ll fail to capture your true Identity in your marketing.

But don’t worry—MYM has your back.

Contractor marketing is ALL we do. Get in touch with us, and we’ll evaluate your company’s current Identity (or lack thereof) and provide you with ideas to make it more powerful and persuasive.

We’ll sniff out what REALLY sets your company apart from the competition, and what will truly make homeowners want to line up around the block to hire you.

It’s all part of our free Lead Generation Audit package. We dig deep into company identity, website, SEO, PPC, and much more.

If you want $3,500-worth of valuable insight into every aspect of your online marketing—for $0.00—hurry up and get your Lead Generation Audit here.

P.S. If you want a crash course on creating a powerful Identity, watch this webinar I held two years ago. Fast forward to 54:20 for a concise, three-step method to producing a marketing message that generates loads of leads.
MYM Webinar - Powerful Identity



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Breaking Through Bad Contractor Stereotypes

bad contractor stereotype
So, Citibank released a commercial last month that reinforces a ton of negative contractor stereotypes.

Take a look:

bad contractor citibank commercial

I’ll admit, it’s pretty funny. And, if I’m being honest, it’s kind of true when you consider the average contractor.

Budget overruns, unexpected project delays, poor communication, clueless “craftsmen”… this is common stuff in the home improvement industry.

And it’s why consumers always rank contractors near the top of the Better Business Bureau’s most-complained-about list every year, without fail.

That’s unfortunate, because the common contractor stereotypes take a toll on the guys who are truly good at what they do, have their customers’ best interests at heart, and strive to be honest and upfront with homeowners.

You, for example.

You’re on this email list because you want to learn how to market your company as one that can REALLY help homeowners.

But how can you possibly do that when nationally televised commercials are broadcasting how contractors are boobs on every boob tube in America?

It’s simple.

To bust through the negative contractor stereotypes—and leave every single one of them in the dust—you MUST communicate your company Identity in your marketing using the three Ps: Power. Passion. Precision.

Here’s what that means…

Power: Bold language that immediately grabs people, commands their attention, and glues them to every word you write.

Passion: Avid enthusiasm that shines through in your message. Communicate your passion, and people will instinctively set you apart from the industry bums.

Precision: What, specifically, you do better… and exactly how you do it better.

Feast your eyes on MYM client Upscale Remodeling’s website for an example of the three P’s in action. Every single page of the site oozes power, passion, and precision.

And it’s like this in every one of their marketing pieces.

Negative contractor stereotypes: Shattered.

If your marketing doesn’t utilize the three Ps, prospects have no reason to believe you’re any better than the crappy contractors Citibank makes fun of in their commercial.

You have to fight—and fight hard—to make people see you’re different from the typical schlubs that plague the industry.

The good news is that you don’t have to fight alone… or at all.

At MYM, contractor marketing is all we do.

We know exactly what marketing methods work for interior and exterior contractors. And our track record proves it.

When you partner with us, we can provide you with a complete package of marketing solutions: Company Identity, website, SEO, TV, radio, PPC, home show materials, direct mail… everything you could ever possibly need for your marketing.

And we always, Always, ALWAYS, revolve your brand around the three P’s. It’s the only way to cut through all of the bad stuff people automatically assume about you as a contractor.

Give us a call. We’ll ensure your prospects see you the way you truly are—hardworking, honest, smart, skilled—and deliver droves of cash-in-hand leads to your doorstep.

Discover more about how we can create a powerful Identity for you.

P.S. Citibank isn’t in much of a position to poke fun at others. Google “Citibank Yelp” and look at all of the one- and two-star reviews. Joke’s on them!

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Refer Us To A Business Owner Who Loves More Leads

get more leads
Show me a business that doesn’t have power over the flow and quality of their leads, and I’ll show you a business owner who is stressed.


Because without controlling lead quantity, you’ve essentially turned your business over to luck. And if you believe luck is in the driver seat, you probably have more bad luck than good. Just saying.

If MYM is managing your PPC campaigns, you already know the solution. And you know we guarantee specific results or you don’t pay.

My question is: are you willing to help a fellow contractor business owner get the same thing?

Refer them to MYM and get a sweet bonus for yourself.

When they sign up to have MYM manage their PPC campaign, we’re going to manage YOUR PPC campaign for free for 3 months.

(You’ll still pay for the ads themselves, but the management will cost you nothing for 3 months.)

Email me and type “I have a referral for you. Please give me a call” and give us the best number to reach you. A member of my team will reach out to you.


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